Domestic asset formation; domestic capital formation: Gross fixed capital formation plus increase in stocks. through various means, introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and management expertise by forming equity and contractual joint ventures, so as to reinvigorate state asset stocks. 国内资产形成;国内资本形成:指固定资本形成总值加库存的增加量。通过合资合作,引进资金、先进技术和管理经验,盘活国有资产存量;
Second, much of the gross fixed capital formation ( i.e.investment) in China has gone into the construction of factories that make goods for export to the US. 其次,中国固定资本形成总额中有许多均投入到生产输美产品的工厂建设中。
Official data indicate that Chinese households consumed just 36 per cent of GDP in 2008, while gross fixed capital formation amounted to 47 per cent of GDP. 官方数据显示,2008年,中国家庭消费仅占GDP的36%,而固定资产投资占到了47%。
Gross domestic fixed capital formation 本地固定资本形成总额
The gross value of investment in construction activities accounted for43% of total fixed capital formation in2003. 2003年建造工程投资总值占固定资本形成总额43%。
Gross capital formation by type of good and owner 资本形成总额,按货物类别和所有人分列
Construction as part of gross fixed capital formation, its significance can not be ignored. 建筑业作为固定资产形成总额的一部分,其在国民生产总值中的比重是不容忽视的。